]> TLD Linux GIT Repositories - packages/php.git/blob - skip-tests.sh
- php 5.3.25
[packages/php.git] / skip-tests.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # easter_date()
3 mv ext/calendar/tests/easter_date.phpt{,.skip}
4 # unixtojd()
5 mv ext/calendar/tests/unixtojd.phpt{,.skip}
6 # curl_setopt() basic parameter test
7 mv ext/curl/tests/curl_setopt_error.phpt{,.skip}
8 # timezone_abbreviations_list() tests
9 mv ext/date/tests/010.phpt{,.skip}
10 # Test DateTime::modify() function : usage variation - Passing unexpected values to first argument $modify.
11 mv ext/date/tests/DateTime_modify_variation1.phpt{,.skip}
12 # Bug #48187 (DateTime::diff() corrupting microtime() result)
13 mv ext/date/tests/bug48187.phpt{,.skip}
14 # Bug #50475 (DateTime::setISODate followed by DateTime::setTime)
15 mv ext/date/tests/bug50475.phpt{,.skip}
16 # Bug #51819 (Case discrepancy in timezone names cause Uncaught exception and fatal error)
17 mv ext/date/tests/bug51819.phpt{,.skip}
18 # Bug #51994 (date_parse_from_format is parsing invalid date using 'yz' format)
19 mv ext/date/tests/bug51994.phpt{,.skip}
20 # Bug #52290 (setDate, setISODate, setTime works wrong when DateTime created from timestamp)
21 mv ext/date/tests/bug52290.phpt{,.skip}
22 # Test date_modify() function : usage variation - Passing unexpected values to second argument $format.
23 mv ext/date/tests/date_modify_variation2.phpt{,.skip}
24 # Test timezone_abbreviations_list() function : basic functionality
25 mv ext/date/tests/timezone_abbreviations_list_basic1.phpt{,.skip}
26 # Test 5: HTML Test
27 mv ext/dom/tests/dom005.phpt{,.skip}
28 # Bug #48555 (ImageFTBBox() differs from previous versions for texts with new lines)
29 mv ext/gd/tests/bug48555.phpt{,.skip}
30 # Feature Request #50283 (allow base in gmp_strval to use full range: 2 to 62, and -2 to -36)
31 mv ext/gmp/tests/bug50283.phpt{,.skip}
32 # gmp_nextprime()
33 mv ext/gmp/tests/gmp_nextprime.phpt{,.skip}
34 # InterBase: connect, close and pconnect
35 mv ext/interbase/tests/002.phpt{,.skip}
36 # InterBase: misc sql types (may take a while)
37 mv ext/interbase/tests/003.phpt{,.skip}
38 # InterBase: BLOB test
39 mv ext/interbase/tests/004.phpt{,.skip}
40 # InterBase: transactions
41 mv ext/interbase/tests/005.phpt{,.skip}
42 # InterBase: binding (may take a while)
43 mv ext/interbase/tests/006.phpt{,.skip}
44 # InterBase: array handling
45 mv ext/interbase/tests/007.phpt{,.skip}
46 # InterBase: event handling
47 mv ext/interbase/tests/008.phpt{,.skip}
48 # Bug #45373 (php crash on query with errors in params)
49 mv ext/interbase/tests/bug45373.phpt{,.skip}
50 # Bug #45575 (Segfault with invalid non-string as event handler callback)
51 mv ext/interbase/tests/bug45575.phpt{,.skip}
52 # Bug #46247 (ibase_set_event_handler() is allowing to pass callback without event)
53 mv ext/interbase/tests/bug46247.phpt{,.skip}
54 # Bug #46543 (ibase_trans() memory leaks when using wrong parameters)
55 mv ext/interbase/tests/bug46543.phpt{,.skip}
56 # ibase_affected_rows(): Basic test
57 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_affected_rows_001.phpt{,.skip}
58 # ibase_close(): Basic test
59 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_close_001.phpt{,.skip}
60 # ibase_drop_db(): Basic test
61 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_drop_db_001.phpt{,.skip}
62 # ibase_errmsg(): Basic test
63 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_errmsg_001.phpt{,.skip}
64 # ibase_free_query(): Basic test
65 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_free_query_001.phpt{,.skip}
66 # ibase_num_fields(): Basic test
67 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_num_fields_001.phpt{,.skip}
68 # ibase_num_params(): Basic test
69 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_num_params_001.phpt{,.skip}
70 # ibase_param_info(): Basic test
71 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_param_info_001.phpt{,.skip}
72 # ibase_rollback(): Basic test
73 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_rollback_001.phpt{,.skip}
74 # ibase_trans(): Basic test
75 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_trans_001.phpt{,.skip}
76 # ibase_trans(): Basic operations
77 mv ext/interbase/tests/ibase_trans_002.phpt{,.skip}
78 # get_locale()
79 mv ext/intl/tests/collator_get_locale.phpt{,.skip}
80 # collator_get_sort_key()
81 mv ext/intl/tests/collator_get_sort_key.phpt{,.skip}
82 # datefmt_format_code() and datefmt_parse_code()
83 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_format_parse.phpt{,.skip}
84 # datefmt_get_pattern_code and datefmt_set_pattern_code()
85 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_get_set_pattern.phpt{,.skip}
86 # datefmt_localtime_code()
87 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_localtime.phpt{,.skip}
88 # datefmt_parse_code()
89 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_parse.phpt{,.skip}
90 # datefmt_parse_localtime() with parse pos
91 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_parse_localtime_parsepos.phpt{,.skip}
92 # datefmt_parse_timestamp_code()  with parse pos
93 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_parse_timestamp_parsepos.phpt{,.skip}
94 # datefmt_set_timezone_id_code()
95 mv ext/intl/tests/dateformat_set_timezone_id.phpt{,.skip}
96 # numfmt_format()
97 mv ext/intl/tests/formatter_format.phpt{,.skip}
98 # numfmt_format_currency()
99 mv ext/intl/tests/formatter_format_currency.phpt{,.skip}
100 # numfmt_get/set_attribute()
101 mv ext/intl/tests/formatter_get_set_attribute.phpt{,.skip}
102 # grapheme()
103 mv ext/intl/tests/grapheme.phpt{,.skip}
104 # locale_get_display_name()
105 mv ext/intl/tests/locale_get_display_name.phpt{,.skip}
106 # locale_get_display_script()
107 mv ext/intl/tests/locale_get_display_script.phpt{,.skip}
108 # locale_get_display_variant()
109 mv ext/intl/tests/locale_get_display_variant.phpt{,.skip}
110 # ldap_sasl_bind() - Basic anonymous binding
111 mv ext/ldap/tests/ldap_sasl_bind_basic.phpt{,.skip}
112 # mysql connect
113 mv ext/mysql/tests/001.phpt{,.skip}
114 # mysql_connect()
115 mv ext/mysql/tests/mysql_connect.phpt{,.skip}
116 # mysql_[p]connect() - max_links/max_persistent
117 mv ext/mysql/tests/mysql_max_links.phpt{,.skip}
118 # mysql_[p]connect() - safe_mode
119 mv ext/mysql/tests/mysql_sql_safe_mode.phpt{,.skip}
120 # mysqli_connect()
121 mv ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect.phpt{,.skip}
122 # new mysqli()
123 mv ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect_oo.phpt{,.skip}
124 # new mysqli()
125 mv ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect_oo_defaults.phpt{,.skip}
126 # Bug #28382 (openssl_x509_parse extensions support)
127 mv ext/openssl/tests/bug28382.phpt{,.skip}
128 # Bug #47828 (segfaults when a UTF-8 conversion fails openssl_x509_parse())
129 mv ext/openssl/tests/bug47828.phpt{,.skip}
130 # openssl_x509_parse() basic test
131 mv ext/openssl/tests/openssl_x509_parse_basic.phpt{,.skip}
132 # PDO_Firebird: connect/disconnect
133 mv ext/pdo_firebird/tests/connect.phpt{,.skip}
134 # PDO_Firebird: DDL/transactions
135 mv ext/pdo_firebird/tests/ddl.phpt{,.skip}
136 # PDO_Firebird: prepare/execute/binding
137 mv ext/pdo_firebird/tests/execute.phpt{,.skip}
138 # MySQL PDO->__construct(), options
139 mv ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql___construct_options.phpt{,.skip}
140 # MySQL PDO->__construct(), libmysql only options
141 mv ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql___construct_options_libmysql.phpt{,.skip}
142 # MySQL PDO class interface
143 mv ext/pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_interface.phpt{,.skip}
144 # PDO ODBC "long" columns
145 mv ext/pdo_odbc/tests/long_columns.phpt{,.skip}
146 # PDO SQLite Feature Request #42589 (getColumnMeta() should also return table name)
147 mv ext/pdo_sqlite/tests/bug_42589.phpt{,.skip}
148 # Test for bug 52013 about Phar::decompressFiles().
149 mv ext/phar/tests/bug52013.phpt{,.skip}
150 # Phar and RecursiveDirectoryIterator
151 mv ext/phar/tests/phar_oo_005.phpt{,.skip}
152 # Test posix_getgrgid() function : basic functionality
153 mv ext/posix/tests/posix_getgrgid_basic.phpt{,.skip}
154 # ReflectionClass::getConstructor()
155 mv ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionClass_getConstructor_basic.phpt{,.skip}
156 # ReflectionMethod::isConstructor()
157 mv ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionMethod_constructor_basic.phpt{,.skip}
158 # ReflectionObject::getConstructor() - basic function test
159 mv ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionObject_getConstructor_basic.phpt{,.skip}
160 # a script should not be able to modify session.use_trans_sid
161 mv ext/session/tests/014.phpt{,.skip}
162 # use_trans_sid should not affect SID
163 mv ext/session/tests/015.phpt{,.skip}
164 # rewriter correctly handles attribute names which contain dashes
165 mv ext/session/tests/018.phpt{,.skip}
166 # rewriter uses arg_seperator.output for modifying URLs
167 mv ext/session/tests/020.phpt{,.skip}
168 # rewriter handles form and fieldset tags correctly
169 mv ext/session/tests/021.phpt{,.skip}
170 # Bug #31454 (Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n)
171 mv ext/session/tests/bug36459.phpt{,.skip}
172 # Bug #41600 (url rewriter tags doesn't work with namespaced tags)
173 mv ext/session/tests/bug41600.phpt{,.skip}
174 # Test session_encode() function : error functionality
175 mv ext/session/tests/session_encode_error2.phpt{,.skip}
176 # SimpleXML: XPath
177 mv ext/simplexml/tests/008.phpt{,.skip}
178 # SOAP Server 9: setclass and setpersistence(SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION)
179 mv ext/soap/tests/server009.phpt{,.skip}
180 # ext/sockets - socket_strerror - basic test
181 mv ext/sockets/tests/socket_strerror.phpt{,.skip}
182 # Bug #38759 (sqlite2 empty query causes segfault)
183 mv ext/sqlite/tests/bug38759.phpt{,.skip}
184 # sqlite, session storage test
185 mv ext/sqlite/tests/sqlite_session_001.phpt{,.skip}
186 # sqlite, session destroy test
187 mv ext/sqlite/tests/sqlite_session_002.phpt{,.skip}
188 # SQLite3::loadExtension with empty extension test
189 mv ext/sqlite3/tests/sqlite3_33_load_extension_param.phpt{,.skip}
190 # SQLite3::loadExtension with disabled extensions
191 mv ext/sqlite3/tests/sqlite3_34_load_extension_ext_dir.phpt{,.skip}
192 # SQLite3::loadExtension test with wrong parameter type
193 mv ext/sqlite3/tests/sqlite3_loadextension_with_wrong_param.phpt{,.skip}
194 # Test fscanf() function: usage variations - unsigned int formats with integer values
195 mv ext/standard/tests/file/fscanf_variation39.phpt{,.skip}
196 # Test fscanf() function: usage variations - tracking file pointer while reading
197 mv ext/standard/tests/file/fscanf_variation55.phpt{,.skip}
198 # Bug #44394 (Last two bytes missing from output) with session.use_trans_id
199 mv ext/standard/tests/general_functions/bug44394_2.phpt{,.skip}
200 # Test function getservbyname()
201 mv ext/standard/tests/general_functions/getservbyname_basic.phpt{,.skip}
202 # proc_open
203 mv ext/standard/tests/general_functions/proc_open02.phpt{,.skip}
204 # time_sleep_until() function - basic test for time_sleep_until()
205 mv ext/standard/tests/misc/time_sleep_until_basic.phpt{,.skip}
206 # htmlentities() test 2 (setlocale / fr_FR.ISO-8859-15)
207 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities02.phpt{,.skip}
208 # htmlentities() test 4 (setlocale / ja_JP.EUC-JP)
209 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities04.phpt{,.skip}
210 # htmlentities() test 10 (default_charset / cp1252)
211 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities10.phpt{,.skip}
212 # htmlentities() test 11 (default_charset / ISO-8859-15)
213 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities11.phpt{,.skip}
214 # htmlentities() test 13 (default_charset / EUC-JP)
215 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities13.phpt{,.skip}
216 # htmlentities() test 15 (setlocale / KOI8-R)
217 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities15.phpt{,.skip}
218 # htmlentities() / html_entity_decode() #8592 - #9002 table test
219 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities17.phpt{,.skip}
220 # Test setlocale() function : usage variations - Setting all available locales in the platform
221 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_variation2.phpt{,.skip}
222 # Test sscanf() function : basic functionality - unsigned format
223 mv ext/standard/tests/strings/sscanf_basic6.phpt{,.skip}
224 # msg_send() data types when not serializing
225 mv ext/sysvmsg/tests/006.phpt{,.skip}
226 # wddx session serializer handler (serialize)
227 mv ext/wddx/tests/004.phpt{,.skip}
228 # wddx session serializer handler (deserialize)
229 mv ext/wddx/tests/005.phpt{,.skip}
230 # xmlrpc_encode_request() and various arguments
231 mv ext/xmlrpc/tests/002.phpt{,.skip}
232 # Bug #40576 (double values are truncated to 6 decimal digits when encoding)
233 mv ext/xmlrpc/tests/bug40576_64bit.phpt{,.skip}
234 # Bug #45555 (Segfault with invalid non-string as register_introspection_callback)
235 mv ext/xmlrpc/tests/bug45555.phpt{,.skip}
236 # Bug #45556 (Return value from callback isn't freed)
237 mv ext/xmlrpc/tests/bug45556.phpt{,.skip}
238 # Test 10: EXSLT Support
239 mv ext/xsl/tests/xslt010.phpt{,.skip}
240 # Check xsltprocessor::registerPHPFunctions and a non-string function in xsl
241 mv ext/xsl/tests/xsltprocessor_registerPHPFunctions-funcnostring.phpt{,.skip}
242 # Check xsltprocessor::registerPHPFunctions and a undefined php function
243 mv ext/xsl/tests/xsltprocessor_registerPHPFunctions-funcundef.phpt{,.skip}
244 # show information about extension
245 mv sapi/cli/tests/006.phpt{,.skip}
246 # CLI -a and readline
247 mv sapi/cli/tests/016.phpt{,.skip}
248 # Phar::buildFromIterator() RegexIterator(RecursiveIteratorIterator), SplFileInfo as current
249 mv ext/phar/tests/phar_buildfromiterator10.phpt{,.skip}
250 # output buffering - fatalism
251 mv tests/output/ob_011.phpt{,.skip}
252 # Inconsistencies when accessing protected members
253 mv Zend/tests/access_modifiers_008.phpt{,.skip}
254 # Inconsistencies when accessing protected members - 2
255 mv Zend/tests/access_modifiers_009.phpt{,.skip}
256 # Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class)
257 mv Zend/tests/bug48770.phpt{,.skip}
258 # Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class)
259 mv Zend/tests/bug48770_2.phpt{,.skip}
260 # Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class)
261 mv Zend/tests/bug48770_3.phpt{,.skip}
262 # DBA with persistent connections
263 mv ext/dba/tests/dba015.phpt{,.skip}
264 # DBA DB4 with persistent connections
265 mv ext/dba/tests/dba_db4_018.phpt{,.skip}
266 # Bug #42718 (unsafe_raw filter not applied when configured as default filter)
267 mv ext/filter/tests/bug42718.phpt{,.skip}
268 # SimpleXML: array casting bug
269 mv ext/simplexml/tests/034.phpt{,.skip}
270 # Bug #39863 (file_exists() silently truncates after a null byte)
271 mv ext/standard/tests/file/bug39863.phpt{,.skip}
272 # DOMDocument::$validateOnParse - effectual determination (dom_document_validate_on_parse_read/dom_document_validate_on_parse_write)
273 mv ext/dom/tests/DOMDocument_validate_on_parse_variation.phpt{,.skip}
274 # Bug #40576 (double values are truncated to 6 decimal digits when encoding)
275 mv ext/xmlrpc/tests/bug40576.phpt{,.skip}