#!/bin/sh # # mysql A very fast and reliable SQL database engine # # chkconfig: 2345 84 25 # # description: A very fast and reliable SQL database engine. # Source function library . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # Get network config . /etc/sysconfig/network # Get service config if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/mysql-@mysqlversion@ ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/mysql-@mysqlversion@ else nls "Error: %s not found" /etc/sysconfig/mysql-@mysqlversion@ nls "%s can't be run." MySQL exit 1 fi if [ -n "$MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS" ]; then nls "Warning: MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS is set. It's obsolete. Use %s instead." /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf fi if [ -f /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf ]; then MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS=$(awk -F= '!/^#/ && /=/{print $2}' /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf) if [ -z "$MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS" ]; then nls "Warning: there are no configured clusters." fi else nls "Warning: Missing clusters config file %s" /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf if [ -z "$MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS" ]; then nls "Warning: there are no configured clusters." nls "Using default cluster /var/lib/mysql (compatibility mode)" MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS=/var/lib/mysql fi fi # Check that networking is up if is_yes "${NETWORKING}"; then if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/network -a "$1" != stop -a "$1" != status -a "$1" != init ]; then msg_network_down MySQL exit 1 fi else exit 0 fi sharedir=/usr/share/mysql/@mysqlversion@ action="$1" # any db cluster as command line argument? if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then shift # perform action for specified clusters only for a in "$@"; do # try auto resolving from /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf if [[ "$a" != /* ]]; then m=$(awk -va="$a" -F= 'substr($0, 1, length(a)) == a {print $1}' /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf) if [ -z "$m" ]; then echo >&2 "Cluster name '$a' did not match anything!" exit 1 fi if [ $(echo "$m" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then echo >&2 "Cluster name '$a' ambiguous:" $m exit 1 fi a=$(awk -va="$a" -F= 'substr($0, 1, length(a)) == a {print $2}' /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf) fi DB_CLUSTERS="$DB_CLUSTERS $a" done else DB_CLUSTERS="$MYSQL_DB_CLUSTERS" fi # global error log, if mysqld.conf hasn't migrated to log-error style MYSQL_ERRLOG=/var/log/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.log MYSQL_STOP_WAIT_TIME=${MYSQL_STOP_WAIT_TIME:-900} # # Useful functions. # # # check for mysql status # # arguments: # $1 - db cluster # $2 - start|stop # # sets variables: # MYSQL_STATUS = starting | running | not running | died # MYSQL_PID = pid of mysqld process # mysqlstatus() { clusterdir="$1" mode="$2" mysqlgetconfig "$clusterdir" status MYSQL_STATUS="not running" MYSQL_PID="unknown" MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID="" MYSQL_GREP_PID="" if [ -f "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" ]; then MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID=$(cat "$MYSQL_PIDFILE") fi if [ -n "$MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID" ]; then MYSQL_PID=$MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID if [ ! -d "/proc/$MYSQL_PID" ]; then MYSQL_STATUS="died" return elif (grep -qa "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" /proc/$MYSQL_PID/cmdline 2> /dev/null); then MYSQL_STATUS="running" return fi fi if [ "$mode" = "start" ]; then MYSQL_GREP_PID=$(grep -alE "^@mysqlsbindir@/mysqld.*${MYSQL_PIDFILE}" /proc/[0-9]*/cmdline 2> /dev/null | awk -F "/" '{ print $3; exit; }') if [ -n "$MYSQL_GREP_PID" ]; then MYSQL_PID=$MYSQL_GREP_PID if grep -qa "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" /proc/$MYSQL_PID/cmdline 2> /dev/null; then if [ -f "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" ]; then MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID=$(cat "$MYSQL_PIDFILE") fi if [ -n "$MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID" ]; then MYSQL_PID=$MYSQL_PIDFILE_PID MYSQL_STATUS="running" return else MYSQL_STATUS="starting" return fi fi fi fi # else default, "not running" } # get mysql configuration in variables # MYSQL_CONFIG MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR # MYSQL_DATA_DIR MYSQL_USER MYSQL_PIDFILE MYSQL_SOCKET MYSQL_PORT MYSQL_BIND_ADDRESS MYSQL_SKIP_NETWORKING MYSQL_LOG_ERROR # # arguments # $1 - db cluster # $2 - status | other mysqlgetconfig() { local clusterdir="$1" config_file local mode="$2" local config=$(awk -F= -vclusterdir="$clusterdir" '!/^#/{ if (clusterdir == $2) print $1}' /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/clusters.conf) if [[ $config = /* ]]; then config_file="$config" elif [ -f "/etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/$config" ]; then config_file="/etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/$config" else config_file="$clusterdir/mysqld.conf" fi MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR="$clusterdir" if [ -z "$config_file" ]; then nls "Error: Can't find config file for %s cluster" "$clusterdir" if [ "$mode" = "status" ]; then exit 3 else exit 6 fi else MYSQL_CONFIG="$config_file" fi if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then nls "Error: config file %s not found" "$config_file" nls "MySQL can't be run. Did you initialize DB by doing \`$0 init'?" if [ "$mode" = "status" ]; then exit 3 else exit 6 fi fi # reset to initial state MYSQL_DATA_DIR= MYSQL_USER= MYSQL_PIDFILE= MYSQL_SOCKET= MYSQL_PORT= MYSQL_BIND_ADDRESS= MYSQL_SKIP_NETWORKING= MYSQL_LOG_ERROR= eval `awk -F= ' { # undos gsub(/\r$/, ""); # trim spaces gsub(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/, "", $1); gsub(/^[\t ]+|[\t ]+$/, "", $2); } # skip comments and empty lines /^[;#]|^ *$/ { next } /^[ \t]*\[.*\][ \t]*$/ { match($0, /\[.*\]/); section = substr($0, RSTART + 1, RSTART + RLENGTH - 3); next; } section == "mysqld" { if ($1 == "datadir") { printf("MYSQL_DATA_DIR=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "user") { printf("MYSQL_USER=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "pid-file") { printf("MYSQL_PIDFILE=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "socket") { printf("MYSQL_SOCKET=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "port") { printf("MYSQL_PORT=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "bind-address") { printf("MYSQL_BIND_ADDRESS=%s;", $2); } else if ($1 == "skip-networking") { printf("MYSQL_SKIP_NETWORKING=1;"); } else if ($1 == "log-error") { printf("MYSQL_LOG_ERROR=%s;", $2); } } ' $config_file` # error log not defined in config file. add one if [ -z "$MYSQL_LOG_ERROR" ]; then MYSQL_LOG_ERROR=$MYSQL_ERRLOG else # unset, so mysqld would use value from config itself unset MYSQL_LOG_ERROR fi MYSQL_DATA_DIR_SUB="/mysqldb" if [ -z "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR" -o "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR" != "${clusterdir}${MYSQL_DATA_DIR_SUB}/db" ]; then nls "Error: datadir specified in %s should be %s" "$config_file" "$clusterdir${MYSQL_DATA_DIR_SUB}/db" nls " MySQL can't be run." exit 6 fi if [ -z "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" -o "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" != "$clusterdir${MYSQL_DATA_DIR_SUB}/mysql.pid" ]; then nls "Error: pid-file specified in %s should be %s" "$config_file" "$clusterdir${MYSQL_DATA_DIR_SUB}/mysql.pid" nls " MySQL can't be run." exit 6 fi if [ -z "$MYSQL_USER" ]; then echo "$(nls 'MySQL user not configured properly')"'!' >&2 nls "Edit %s and configure it." "$config_file" >&2 exit 6 fi } # start mysql mysqlstart() { local clusterdir="$1" mysqlgetconfig "$clusterdir" if [ ! -d "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR/mysql" ]; then nls "MySQL cluster %s not initialized." "$clusterdir" nls "Try \`%s init %s' before start." "$0" "$clusterdir" exit 6 fi msg_starting "MySQL $clusterdir"; busy [ -z "$DEFAULT_SERVICE_RUN_NICE_LEVEL" ] && DEFAULT_SERVICE_RUN_NICE_LEVEL=0 rm -f "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" TMPDIR=/tmp nice -n ${SERVICE_RUN_NICE_LEVEL:-$DEFAULT_SERVICE_RUN_NICE_LEVEL} \ /usr/bin/setsid @mysqlsbindir@/mysqld \ --defaults-file=$MYSQL_CONFIG \ --datadir=$MYSQL_DATA_DIR \ --pid-file=$MYSQL_PIDFILE \ ${MYSQL_LOG_ERROR:+--log-error="$MYSQL_LOG_ERROR"} \ $MYSQL_OPTIONS & pid=$! sleep 0.1 mysqlstatus "$clusterdir" start # it takes longer for mysqld to start and create pidfile if it has to recover innodb transactions if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "starting" ]; then echo "" show "Waiting for MySQL to start" busy # while the pid is running, mysql is starting up # if the pidfile was created, it started up successfully # if either case fails we break and report status while true; do [ -d /proc/$pid ] || break [ -f "$MYSQL_PIDFILE" ] && break sleep 0.2 done fi mysqlstatus "$clusterdir" start if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" -a "$MYSQL_PID" != "unknown" ]; then ok elif [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "died" ]; then RETVAL=1 died else RETVAL=1 fail fi } # stop mysql mysqlstop() { local clusterdir="$1" mysqlstatus "$clusterdir" stop msg_stopping "MySQL $clusterdir" busy # try graceful shutdown -- send shutdown command # requires mysql_sysadmin user proper privs @mysqlbindir@/mysqladmin --defaults-file=$MYSQL_CONFIG ${MYSQL_SOCKET:+--socket=$MYSQL_SOCKET} shutdown >/dev/null 2>&1 mysqlstatus "$clusterdir" stop if [ "$MYSQL_PID" != "unknown" ]; then kill -TERM "$MYSQL_PID" 2> /dev/null for nr in $(seq 1 $(($MYSQL_STOP_WAIT_TIME*10))); do [ -d "/proc/$MYSQL_PID" ] || break sleep 0.1 done fi mysqlstatus "$clusterdir" stop if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "died" ]; then died elif [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" -o "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "starting" ]; then fail else ok fi } # report slave status # uses MYSQL_SOCKET - path to mysql socket slave_status() { if [ ! -x @mysqlbindir@/mysql ]; then echo >&2 "Slave status not available: 'mysql' program not installed." return fi # see if slave status can be reported local err=0 slave_status=$(mysql --defaults-file="$MYSQL_CONFIG" --socket="$MYSQL_SOCKET" -e 'show slave status\G') if [ -z "$slave_status" ]; then # slave not setup return fi printf "Slave Status:\n" set -f eval $(echo "$slave_status" | awk -F': ' '/^ *[A-Za-z_]+:/{ k = tolower($1); v = substr($0, length($1) + 3); gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\", v); gsub(/"/, "\\\"", v); gsub(/`/, "\\`", v); gsub(/\$/, "\\$", v); gsub(/\$/, "\\$", v); printf("%s=\"%s\";\n", k, v); }') set +f if [ "$slave_io_running" != "Yes" ]; then printf "\tSlave IO not running\n" err=1 fi if [ "$slave_sql_running" != "Yes" ]; then printf "\tSlave SQL not running\n" err=1 fi if [ "$err" = 1 -a "$last_errno" -gt 0 ]; then printf "\tERROR %s: %s\n" "$last_errno" "$last_error" fi if [ "$master_log_file" != "$relay_master_log_file" ]; then printf "\tERROR logfile mismatch (%s)\n" "$relay_master_log_file" err=1 fi if [ -z "$read_master_log_pos" -o -z "$exec_master_log_pos" ]; then printf "\tERROR No info about master\n" err=1 return fi diff=$(($read_master_log_pos - $exec_master_log_pos)) printf "\tread pos: %s (%s) (host: %s:%d)\n" "$read_master_log_pos" "$master_log_file" "$master_host" "$master_port" printf "\texec pos: %s\n" "$exec_master_log_pos" printf "\tdiff: %s\n" "$diff" } # # check for running mysql instances; if any instance is running then # create subsys lock file # mysqlsubsys() { # check for every defined db cluster in sysconfig file for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlstatus "$mysqldir" if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" ]; then touch /var/lock/subsys/mysql return fi done rm -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql } mysqlinit() { local clusterdir="$1" if [ -f /etc/mysqld.conf ]; then nls "Running in \`no cluster compat' mode: can't initialize database." nls "Move /etc/mysqld.conf away and rerun \`$0 init' (new config will be in $clusterdir)." exit 1 fi if [ -f "$clusterdir/mysqld.conf" ]; then mysqlgetconfig "$clusterdir" else MYSQL_USER="mysql" MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR="$clusterdir" MYSQL_DATA_DIR="$clusterdir/mysqldb/db" MYSQL_PIDFILE="$clusterdir/mysqldb/mysql.pid" MYSQL_SOCKET="$clusterdir/mysqldb/mysql.sock" # this $MYSQL_CONFIG will be created later MYSQL_CONFIG="$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" fi show "Initializing cluster %s" "$clusterdir"; started # Check if not exist init database if [ -d "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR/mysql" ]; then nls "Seems that database is initialized now. Remove by hand %s" "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR/mysql" nls "before initializing database." nls "For now skipping cluster %s." "$clusterdir" exit 6 fi show "Initializing MySQL database for $MYSQL_DATA_DIR" busy TMP=/tmp TMPDIR=/tmp mkdir -p "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Using mysql:mysql for MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR is creating SECURITY hole, root:root is proper chown root:root "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR" chown mysql:mysql "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqldb" "$MYSQL_DATA_DIR" > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod 751 "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR" "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqldb" if [ -f $sharedir/mysqld.conf -a ! -f "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" ]; then sed -e " s#\(datadir.*\)=.*#\1= $MYSQL_DATA_DIR#g; s#\(pid-file.*\)=.*#\1= $MYSQL_PIDFILE#g; s#\(socket.*\)=.*#\1= $MYSQL_SOCKET#g; s#@clusterdir@#$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR#g; " $sharedir/mysqld.conf > "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" chown root:root "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" chmod 640 "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" fi ok=0 @mysqlsbindir@/mysqld \ --defaults-file=$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf \ --initialize-insecure \ --skip-grant-tables \ --datadir=$MYSQL_DATA_DIR \ --user=$MYSQL_USER \ --replica-load-tmpdir=$MYSQL_DATA_DIR \ --tmpdir=$MYSQL_DATA_DIR \ --log-error=$MYSQL_ERRLOG \ && ok=1 [ -f $MYSQL_DATA_DIR/mysql.ibd ] || ok=0 if [ "$ok" = 1 ]; then ok cat << END_OF_MSG PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL USERS! Start database: $ service mysql start and set passwords: For 'root' user (ALL privileges, DB admin), paste command with new password: ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; For 'mysql_sysadmin' (RELOAD and SHUTDOWN privileges): CREATE USER 'mysql_sysadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sysnewpassword' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER; GRANT RELOAD, SHUTDOWN ON *.* TO 'mysql_sysadmin'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Both into command: $ mysql -u root -p --ssl-mode=disabled -S $MYSQL_SOCKET NOTE 1: CURRENT TEMPORARY ROOT PASSWORD CAN BE FOUND IN LOG (grep for "A temporary password is generated" string): $MYSQL_ERRLOG NOTE 2: mysql_sysadmin password should be placed to $MYSQL_CONFIG in mysqladmin section. See the manual for more instructions. (This user is used at logs rotation and server shutdown) END_OF_MSG else fail cat << END_OF_MSG ERROR: ERROR: ERROR: Installation FAILED! ERROR: ERROR: Examine the logs in $MYSQL_ERRLOG for more information. You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with: @mysqlsbindir@/mysqld --skip-grant & You can use the command line tool mysql to connect to the mysql database and look at the grant tables: shell> mysql -u root mysql mysql> show tables Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Setting on logging in $MYSQL_DATA_DIR/mysqld.conf gives you a log in /var/log/mysql/mysql-8.0-query.log that may be helpful. The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at http://www.mysql.com/. Please check TLD Linux site for newer versions of this package. Please consult the MySQL manual section: 'Problems running mysql_install_db', and the manual section that describes problems on your OS. Another information source is the MySQL email archive. END_OF_MSG exit 1 fi # if it's first server, register as default if [ ! -e /var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock ] || [ -L /var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock ] && [ -z "$(readlink /var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock)" ]; then sock=${MYSQL_SOCKET#/var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/} # make it relative if possible ln -s "$sock" /var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock fi # same for config, move to /etc if [ ! -e /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysqld.conf ]; then mv "$MYSQL_CLUSTER_DIR/mysqld.conf" /etc/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysqld.conf fi } # # End of useful functions. # start() { local mysqldir for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlstatus "$mysqldir" start if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" ]; then msg_already_running "MySQL $mysqldir" else mysqlstart "$mysqldir" fi done mysqlsubsys } stop() { local mysqldir for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlstatus "$mysqldir" stop if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "not running" ]; then msg_not_running "MySQL $mysqldir" else mysqlstop "$mysqldir" fi done mysqlsubsys } condrestart() { if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql ]; then msg_not_running "MySQL" RETVAL=$1 return fi stop start } status() { local mysqldir addr port socket pid pids running datadir RETVAL=3 for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlstatus "$mysqldir" if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" ]; then RETVAL=0 addr=${MYSQL_BIND_ADDRESS:-} port=${MYSQL_PORT:-3306} socket=${MYSQL_SOCKET:-/var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock} pid=$MYSQL_PID nls "MySQL cluster %s, pid %s\n" "$mysqldir" "$pid" [ -z "$MYSQL_SKIP_NETWORKING" ] && nls "\ttcp:%s:%s\n" "$addr" "$port" nls "\tunix: %s\n" "$socket" MYSQL_SOCKET=$socket slave_status pids="$pids/$MYSQL_PID/" progress "$MYSQL_STATUS" else show "MySQL cluster %s" "$mysqldir" progress "$MYSQL_STATUS" "$CFAIL" fi echo done for pid in $(/sbin/pidof mysqld); do if [[ $pids != */$pid/* ]]; then running="$running $pid" fi done if [ $# = 1 -a "$running" ]; then nls "Warning: MySQL Daemon processes not under clusters.conf control:" # see if we can display their status for pid in $running; do datadir=$(cat /proc/$pid/cmdline | tr '\0' '\n' | fgrep -- --datadir=) datadir=${datadir#--datadir=} # strip --datadir mysqldir=${datadir%/mysqldb/db} # strip /mysqldb/db mysqlstatus "$mysqldir" if [ "$MYSQL_STATUS" = "running" ]; then addr=${MYSQL_BIND_ADDRESS:-} port=${MYSQL_PORT:-3306} socket=${MYSQL_SOCKET:-/var/lib/mysql/@mysqlversion@/mysql.sock} nls "MySQL cluster %s, pid %s\n" "$mysqldir" "$pid" [ -z "$MYSQL_SKIP_NETWORKING" ] && nls "\ttcp:%s:%s\n" "$addr" "$port" nls "\tunix: %s\n" "$socket" MYSQL_SOCKET=$socket slave_status progress "$MYSQL_STATUS" else show "MySQL cluster %s" "$mysqldir" progress "$MYSQL_STATUS" "$CFAIL" fi echo done fi } RETVAL=0 case "$action" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start ;; try-restart) condrestart 0 ;; force-reload) condrestart 7 ;; init) for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlinit "$mysqldir" done exit $? ;; flush-logs) for mysqldir in $DB_CLUSTERS; do mysqlgetconfig "$mysqldir" # just if mysqld is really running if @mysqlbindir@/mysqladmin --defaults-file="$MYSQL_CONFIG" --socket="$MYSQL_SOCKET" ping >/dev/null 2>&1; then @mysqlbindir@/mysqladmin --defaults-file="$MYSQL_CONFIG" --socket="$MYSQL_SOCKET" flush-logs fi done ;; status) status ;; *) msg_usage "$0 {start|stop|restart|try-restart|force-reload|init|flush-logs|status}" exit 3 esac exit $RETVAL