# Stable is: any major_ver and minor_ver >= 1.0
# For TLD we usually use gcc when minor_ver >= 2.0 (first bugfix release or later)
%define major_ver 13
-%define minor_ver 2.0
+%define minor_ver 3.0
Summary: GNU Compiler Collection: the C compiler and shared files
Summary(es.UTF-8): Colección de compiladores GNU: el compilador C y ficheros compartidos
License: GPL v3+
Group: Development/Languages
Source0: https://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5: e0e48554cc6e4f261d55ddee9ab69075
+# Source0-md5: 726726a73eaaacad4259fe5d7e978020
Source1: %{name}-optimize-la.pl
# check libffi version with libffi/configure.ac
Source3: libffi.pc.in
Source4: branch.sh
# use branch.sh to update gcc-branch.diff
Patch100: %{name}-branch.diff
-# Patch100-md5: a5cb6adef223b8fa990d88ff5d25dfa0
+# Patch100-md5: 604492e669041d70af2e274c35ea1b7b
Patch0: %{name}-info.patch
Patch1: all-library-paths.patch
Patch2: %{name}-nodebug.patch