1. How do I prepare git to work?
a) Install git-core
b) Configure git globally
+ c) Configure ssh environment to work with git
2. How do I commit a new .spec file or package to the repository?
a) Clone an empty repository (note: it will be automatically created on server
Above commands will create ~/.gitconfig file with proper settings.
+c) Configure ssh environment to work with git
+If you plan to use non default ssh key pair, it's better to put some info about
+it to your default .ssh/config file. Edit your local Host alias and key path in
+sample below:
+Host git.tld-linux.org
+ User git
+ Hostname git.tld-linux.org
+ PreferredAuthentications publickey
+ IdentityFile /home/users/YOURUSER/.ssh/YOUR_KEY_FILE
+To test if ssh works, do the:
+ssh -T git.tld-linux.org
+you should get similar answer:
+hello USER, the gitolite version here is x.y.z
+the gitolite config gives you the following access:
+ (...)
2. How do I commit a new .spec file or package to the repository?