# - libgcj options:
%bcond_without alsa # don't build libgcj ALSA MIDI interface
%bcond_without dssi # don't build libgcj DSSI MIDI interface
-%bcond_without gtk # don't build libgcj GTK peer
-%bcond_without apidocs # do not build and package API docs
+%bcond_with gtk # build libgcj GTK peer
+%bcond_with apidocs # build and package API docs
%bcond_with mozilla # build libgcjwebplugin (needs fix for new xulrunner)
%bcond_with qt # build libgcj Qt peer (currently doesn't build with libtool-2.x)
-%bcond_without x # don't build libgcj Xlib-dependent AWTs (incl. GTK/Qt)
+%bcond_with x # build libgcj Xlib-dependent AWTs (incl. GTK/Qt)
# - other:
%bcond_without bootstrap # omit 3-stage bootstrap
%bcond_with tests # torture gcc
%define major_ver 4.8
-%define minor_ver 3
+%define minor_ver 4
%define major_ecj_ver 4.5
# class data version seen with file(1) that this jvm is able to load
%define _classdataversion 50.0
Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8): Coleção dos compiladores GNU: o compilador C e arquivos compartilhados
Name: gcc
Version: %{major_ver}.%{minor_ver}
-Release: 3
+Release: 4
Epoch: 6
License: GPL v3+
Group: Development/Languages
Source0: ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/gcc-%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5: 7c60f24fab389f77af203d2516ee110f
+# Source0-md5: 5a84a30839b2aca22a2d723de2a626ec
Source1: %{name}-optimize-la.pl
Source2: ftp://sourceware.org/pub/java/ecj-%{major_ecj_ver}.jar
# Source2-md5: d7cd6a27c8801e66cbaa964a039ecfdb
Patch4: %{name}-libjava-multilib.patch
Patch5: %{name}-enable-java-awt-qt.patch
Patch6: %{name}-install-libffi.patch
-Patch7: gcc-4.9-isl-0.13-hack.patch
Patch100: %{name}-branch.diff
URL: http://gcc.gnu.org/
BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.64
%if %{with gcc_libffi}
%patch6 -p0
-%patch7 -p1
%patch100 -p0
mv ChangeLog ChangeLog.general