--- /dev/null
+# $Revision: 2.181 $, $Date: 2011/04/10 12:40:58 $
+### TODO:
+# - BUG: you can't set in /etc/mdadm.conf:
+# DEVICE partitions containers
+# (which is default BTW if none set). Generation of initrd will fail
+Summary: Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Narzędzie do tworzenia inicjalnego ramdysku używanego przy starcie systemu
+Name: geninitrd
+Version: 10000.32
+# leave rel 1 for ac
+Release: 6
+License: GPL
+Group: Applications/System
+Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5: 9d75e347ff49312209e97ead93378f4a
+Patch0: %{name}-romfs.patch
+Patch1: %{name}-gzip-compressor.patch
+Patch2: %{name}-svn.patch
+BuildRequires: xmlto >= 0:0.0.18-1
+Requires: /usr/bin/ldd
+Requires: awk
+Requires: busybox-initrd > 1.00-4
+Requires: coreutils
+Requires: cpio
+Requires: fileutils
+Requires: genromfs
+Requires: glibc-misc
+Requires: gzip
+Requires: gzip1
+Requires: gzip2
+Requires: mktemp >= 1.5-8
+Requires: module-init-tools >= 3.2.2-6
+Requires: mount
+Requires: pci-database >= 0.4
+Requires: rc-scripts >= 0.2.7
+Requires: tar
+%if "%{pld_release}" == "ti"
+Requires: lvm2-initrd
+Requires: mdadm-initrd >= 1.12.0-1
+# otherwise LVM subsystem is not enabled in geninitrd
+Suggests: lvm2-initrd
+# without this softraid installations of PLD fail
+Suggests: mdadm-initrd >= 1.12.0-1
+# suggest for blkid
+%if "%{pld_release}" != "ac"
+Suggests: util-linux-initrd
+Obsoletes: mkinitrd
+%if "%{pld_release}" == "ac"
+Conflicts: grubby < 5.0.4-3.1
+Conflicts: grubby < 6.0.24-3
+Conflicts: udev-initrd < 1:104
+Conflicts: xz < 4.999.9
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+Geninitrd creates filesystem images for use as initial ramdisk
+(initrd) images. These ramdisk images are often used to preload the
+block device modules (SCSI or RAID) needed to access the root
+In other words, generic kernels can be built without drivers for any
+SCSI adapters which load the SCSI driver as a module. Since the kernel
+needs to read those modules, but in this case it isn't able to address
+the SCSI adapter, an initial ramdisk is used. The initial ramdisk is
+loaded by the operating system loader (normally LILO) and is available
+to the kernel as soon as the ramdisk is loaded. The ramdisk image
+loads the proper SCSI adapter and allows the kernel to mount the root
+filesystem. The geninitrd program creates such a ramdisk using
+information found in the /etc/modules.conf file.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+Geninitrd służy do tworzenia obrazu systemu plikowego używanego jako
+inicjalny ramdysk (initrd), z którego przy starcie systemu są ładowane
+moduły kernela z obsługą urządzeń których obsługa nie jest
+wkompilowana w kernel. Zazwyczaj modułami ładowanymi z inicjalnego
+systemu plikowego są sterowniki SCSI, IDE czy też RAID po to żeby w
+dalszej części inicjacji systemu był możliwy dostęp do głównego
+systemu plikowego (root fs).
+Dzięki initrd jest możliwe używanie dystrybucyjnego kernela w którym
+wkompilowana jest minimalna ilość obsługi różnych urządzeń, a reszta
+kodu obsługi sterowników SCSI, IDE czy RAID jest doczytywana w trakcie
+startu z initrd. Skrypt geninitrd generuje obraz ramdysku na podstawie
+bieżących informacji zawartych w /etc/modules.conf.
+%setup -q
+%if "%{pld_release}" == "ti"
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p0
+%{__make} install \
+%doc ChangeLog
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) /etc/sysconfig/geninitrd
+%attr(755,root,root) /sbin/geninitrd
+%dir /lib/geninitrd
+%attr(755,root,root) /lib/geninitrd/extract-ikconfig
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback@pld-linux.org>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+$Log: geninitrd.spec,v $
+Revision 2.181 2011/04/10 12:40:58 adamg
+- Requires: glibc-misc (ldd)
+Revision 2.180 2011/03/11 11:36:22 arekm
+- rel 6; don't resolve symlink for luks device nodes
+Revision 2.179 2011/03/06 16:15:17 arekm
+- rel 4; fix mod-sata finding too much bug
+Revision 2.178 2011/03/04 09:24:56 arekm
+- rel 4; fallback to ls bug fixed
+Revision 2.177 2011/03/01 10:34:47 arekm
+- rel 3; bugfix for users using rootfsflags boot option
+Revision 2.176 2011/02/25 16:08:26 arekm
+- rel 2; no negative reports
+Revision 2.175 2011/02/19 08:29:38 arekm
+- 10000.32 (experimental).
+Revision 2.174 2011/02/11 01:33:25 sparky
+- s/util-linux-ng7util-linux/
+Revision 2.173 2011/02/09 19:23:07 glen
+- test .2
+Revision 2.172 2011/01/27 20:35:20 glen
+- still experimental 10000.31
+Revision 2.171 2011/01/13 20:32:12 arekm
+Up to 10000.30 (experimental due to SATA autodetection).
+Revision 2.170 2010/12/19 10:19:42 glen
+- suggest for blkid in image generation (grub2 defaults to UUID mode)
+Revision 2.169 2010/10/26 20:24:44 blues
+- bug noticed
+Revision 2.168 2010/04/20 05:31:53 arekm
+- rel 5; don't require main mdadm package (use initrd version)
+Revision 2.167 2010/03/29 20:23:20 evil
+- adapterized
+- added geninitrd-tuxonice_on_dm.patch, moving tuxonice script down in hierarchy, to allow tuxonice snapshot device be device mapper device(LUKS, LVM, dmraid)
+Revision 2.166 2010/03/08 11:01:20 arekm
+- rel 3; sync scsi scanning for >= 2.6.30
+Revision 2.165 2010/03/06 11:21:21 arekm
+- mdadm itself is also needed for detecting md raid
+Revision 2.164 2010/02/25 13:50:35 hawk
+- release 2
+Revision 2.163 2010/02/25 13:18:56 hawk
+- force sync scan for scsi_mod in Titanium instead of using hack
+Revision 2.162 2010/02/05 12:46:01 glen
+- ac compatible
+Revision 2.161 2010/01/21 15:57:52 baggins
+- release 10000.20
+Revision 2.160 2010/01/12 11:15:19 glen
+- release 10000.19
+Revision 2.159 2010/01/02 13:46:45 pawelz
+- There was an empty man file in sources, so make was not regenerating this
+ file. Added make clean to remove bogus man file and allow to regenerate it.
+ Reported by Krystian Tomczyk.
+- rel 9
+Revision 2.158 2009/09/19 20:55:27 hawk
+- R: not S: lvm2-initrd and mdadm-initrd in Titanium
+Revision 2.157 2009/09/19 20:48:23 hawk
+- use gzip as compressor in Titanium unless user has specified otherwise
+Revision 2.156 2009/09/15 08:04:05 gotar
+- s/Requires/Suggests/ for mdadm-initrd (only for software RAIDs users)
+Revision 2.155 2009/09/14 23:05:33 gotar
+- busybox-initrd 1.00-4 (probably some newer ones too) causes:
+ usage: switch_root NEW_ROOT
+ kernel panic - not syncing
+Revision 2.154 2009/09/14 22:38:51 gotar
+- anyone using LVM should follow this suggestion, not requirement
+Revision 2.153 2009/09/04 13:09:59 arekm
+- rel 6; xz and lzma formats support
+Revision 2.152 2009/09/04 12:38:45 arekm
+- rel 5; use lzma format for xz
+Revision 2.151 2009/09/04 11:04:25 arekm
+- C: xz < 4.999.9
+Revision 2.150 2009/09/04 10:37:40 arekm
+- rel 3; use default compression level for lzma
+Revision 2.149 2009/08/31 19:33:18 arekm
+- up to 10000.18
+Revision 2.148 2009/08/28 22:12:49 arekm
+- up to 10000.17
+Revision 2.147 2009/08/15 22:13:47 hawk
+- updated to 10000.16, fixes lvm.static in initrd (/dev/urandom must exist
+ and /sys must be mounted)
+Revision 2.146 2009/08/11 12:24:03 adamg
+- updated to 10000.15
+Revision 2.145 2009/08/07 09:12:02 arekm
+- lvm2-initrd is enough
+Revision 2.144 2009/07/16 11:44:18 arekm
+- R: lvm2 and lvm2-initrd
+Revision 2.143 2009/07/01 21:34:23 glen
+- 10000.14
+Revision 2.142 2009/07/01 04:12:42 glen
+- update to 10000.13
+Revision 2.141 2009/06/16 09:39:15 zbyniu
+- R: /usr/bin/ldd; rel 3; STBR
+Revision 2.140 2009/05/10 13:08:29 glen
+- release 10000.12
+Revision 2.139 2009/04/16 00:33:25 glen
+- ver 10000.11, fixes lp#359718
+Revision 2.138 2009/04/06 15:15:30 glen
+- 10000.10: %{_libdir}/initrd support
+Revision 2.137 2009/03/16 22:21:16 hawk
+- force romfs as default in Titanium if not specified otherwise
+Revision 2.136 2009/03/14 13:08:11 glen
+- update to 10000.3
+Revision 2.135 2009/03/03 09:35:57 glen
+- 10000.2 (package lvm module)
+Revision 2.134 2009/03/02 15:45:52 glen
+- update to 10000.1
+Revision 2.133 2009/02/10 10:19:00 arekm
+- rel 3; fix IDE loading for 2.6.28
+Revision 2.132 2008/11/18 15:07:13 glen
+- 10000 release
+Revision 2.131 2008/11/13 17:32:02 arekm
+- rel 3; update trigger/settle calls
+Revision 2.130 2008/11/13 09:50:42 glen
+- upload tarball this time
+Revision 2.129 2008/11/12 23:47:13 glen
+- 9000.17: crypted rootfs via cryptsetup-luks
+Revision 2.128 2008/10/23 22:10:08 qwiat
+- up to 9000.16
+Revision 2.127 2008/08/06 08:56:02 hawk
+- updated to 9000.15, fixes problem with /dev/rd and /dev/ida being treated
+ as LVM volumes
+Revision 2.126 2008/07/05 22:13:32 arekm
+- md5
+Revision 2.125 2008/07/05 22:07:56 arekm
+- 9000.14; inst_d bugfix
+Revision 2.124 2008/07/05 10:48:10 arekm
+- up to 9000.13 (destdir and firmware handling fixes)
+Revision 2.123 2008/07/05 10:33:09 arekm
+- up to 9000.12
+Revision 2.122 2008-05-26 17:47:57 glen
+- 9000.11
+Revision 2.121 2008-05-24 11:47:37 glen
+- up to 9000.10
+Revision 2.120 2008-04-27 21:59:37 glen
+- md5
+Revision 2.119 2008-04-27 21:59:26 glen
+- 9000.9
+Revision 2.118 2008-04-02 14:21:55 glen
+- release 2 (1 for ac)
+Revision 2.117 2008-04-02 14:21:19 glen
+- 9000.8
+Revision 2.116 2008-03-11 23:36:09 hawk
+- updated to 9000.7
+Revision 2.115 2008-03-11 14:31:33 hawk
+- updated to 9000.6
+Revision 2.114 2008-02-12 19:49:03 glen
+- 9000.5 (fixes modinfo looking at current, not target kernel modules)
+Revision 2.113 2008-02-12 19:36:07 glen
+- module-init-tools with modinfo -k <kernelversion> patch; rel 3
+Revision 2.112 2008-02-09 18:50:23 glen
+- 9000.4, fixes #102
+Revision 2.111 2008-02-08 20:40:02 glen
+- 9000.3
+Revision 2.110 2007-12-28 09:21:07 glen
+- rel 2
+Revision 2.109 2007-11-28 21:44:39 glen
+- update to 9000.1
+Revision 2.108 2007-11-06 02:05:42 glen
+- release 9000 ;)
+Revision 2.107 2007/11/04 20:52:41 glen
+- 8985
+Revision 2.106 2007/11/03 14:45:45 adamg
+- updated to 8980
+Revision 2.105 2007/10/27 20:37:12 glen
+- typo.patch not needed on this branch
+Revision 2.104 2007/10/16 16:28:45 glen
+- typo fix; rel 2
+Revision 2.103 2007/08/31 15:49:17 glen
+- 8702
+Revision 2.102 2007/07/16 14:56:24 hawk
+- oops! updated md5
+Revision 2.101 2007/07/16 14:53:21 hawk
+- updated to 8682
+Revision 2.100 2007/07/16 13:19:04 hawk
+- updatde to 8668
+- removed inst.patch, included in sources
+Revision 2.99 2007/07/09 07:30:34 arekm
+- rel 2; fix inst() usage for suspend
+Revision 2.98 2007/06/30 18:46:45 arekm
+- up to 8648; supports loading raid456 module
+Revision 2.97 2007/03/31 16:10:46 arekm
+- up to 8385
+Revision 2.96 2007/03/07 10:03:57 glen
+- AC-branch merge
+Revision 2.95 2007/03/07 07:56:31 arekm
+- up to 8360
+Revision 2.94 2007/02/13 07:16:45 glen
+- tabs in preamble
+Revision 2.93 2007/02/12 00:48:51 baggins
+- converted to UTF-8
+Revision 2.92 2007/02/09 14:48:17 arekm
+- rel 3; R: cpio because it is now default for new configurations and old one can still use genromfs
+Revision 2.91 2007/02/07 10:14:08 arekm
+- conflicts with older udev-initrd versions
+Revision 2.90 2007/01/27 18:39:09 czarny
+- yet another bug, this time dobule 0 adding
+Revision 2.89 2007/01/27 17:08:18 czarny
+- up to 8201
+- I think I've resolved the 806 instead of 0806 bug
+Revision 2.88 2007/01/27 14:40:00 czarny
+- up to rev 8199
+- moved to using udevd instead udev binary (dropped in udev project)
+Revision 2.87 2007/01/11 14:00:50 glen
+- update to 8142: fixes /initrd/dev not being unmounted
+Revision 2.86 2006/12/14 17:26:16 czarny
+- die df form glen ;p
+Revision 2.85 2006/12/14 16:47:28 czarny
+- up to 8103
+Revision 2.84 2006/11/30 14:25:24 glen
+- md5 fix
+Revision 2.83 2006/11/30 14:24:13 glen
+- 7982 (LABEL= and UUID= fixes)
+Revision 2.82 2006/10/27 14:43:30 glen
+- 7899
+Revision 2.81 2006/10/19 13:47:53 glen
+- update to 7877
+Revision 2.80 2006/08/20 14:51:19 arekm
+- rel 2; ready for new busybox
+Revision 2.79 2006/08/17 09:09:00 arekm
+- up to 7673 (firmware loading from initrd support)
+Revision 2.78 2006/05/29 23:18:01 glen
+- source on distfiles
+Revision 2.77 2006/05/29 22:45:02 glen
+- 7453
+Revision 2.76 2006/05/08 17:13:55 baggins
+- 7386
+Revision 2.75 2006/04/09 19:09:48 arekm
+- up to 7339
+Revision 2.74 2006/04/09 13:36:06 arekm
+- up to 7337 (with mainline suspend to disk support)
+Revision 2.73 2006/02/22 18:31:26 glen
+- lvm on softraid fixes from svn, rel 2 STBR
+Revision 2.72 2006/02/21 13:44:52 arekm
+- up to 6894
+Revision 2.71 2006/01/18 17:04:53 glen
+- kill unused bcond
+Revision 2.70 2006/01/18 08:16:13 arekm
+- use ftp1
+Revision 2.69 2006/01/18 08:12:38 arekm
+- Updated to 6838 (mdraid, udev, lvm2 updates).
+Revision 2.68 2005/12/04 22:58:06 glen
+- adapterized (sorted %verify flags)
+Revision 2.67 2005/12/02 19:37:08 glen
+- add procdata (real-root-dev) patch to md0
+- adapterized, rel 8
+Revision 2.66 2005/11/29 08:35:14 arekm
+- rel 7 (crap) release.
+Revision 2.65 2005/11/26 18:51:26 arekm
+- rel 6
+Revision 2.64 2005/11/26 18:34:41 djrzulf
+- patch3 -p1,
+Revision 2.63 2005/11/26 15:38:25 arekm
+- rel 5; fix usleep for modules with - in name.
+Revision 2.62 2005/11/17 13:07:09 arekm
+- Sleep after module load support; rel 4
+Revision 2.61 2005/10/13 17:07:53 glen
+- conditional patch2
+Revision 2.60 2005/10/13 16:01:16 glen
+- partial dmraid fix
+Revision 2.59 2005/07/13 15:50:56 arekm
+- rel 3
+Revision 2.58 2005/06/28 08:24:13 blues
+- don't require mdadm on _every_ system. Require strict version of
+ mdadm-initrd in mdadm. Should be enough
+Revision 2.57 2005/06/27 13:47:10 arekm
+- R: mdadm itself, too.
+Revision 2.56 2005/06/27 06:31:29 arekm
+- fix mdadm >= v1.12.0
+Revision 2.55 2004/10/20 22:10:07 ankry
+- workaround for man generation problems (-en_xml patch), regenerate manpage, rel. 2
+Revision 2.54 2004/09/25 21:26:57 arekm
+- updated to 4605
+Revision 2.53 2004/08/09 00:08:10 arekm
+- updated to 4420 (suspend2 support).
+Revision 2.52 2004/08/01 22:51:49 arekm
+- updated to 4413
+Revision 2.51 2004/07/07 15:15:59 qboosh
+- nobody pointed better solution - so R: mdadm-initrd for working
+ softraid installations; release 2
+Revision 2.50 2004/06/24 22:40:05 arekm
+- updated to 4242 (rootfs on LVM2 working nicely, tested)
+Revision 2.49 2004/06/22 17:08:02 arekm
+- md5
+Revision 2.48 2004/06/22 17:07:28 arekm
+- updated to 4159
+Revision 2.47 2004/05/30 09:00:25 pluto
+- %desc fixed.
+Revision 2.46 2004/05/24 16:26:29 kali
+- added %verify(not md5 size mtime) to config files
+Revision 2.45 2004/04/23 21:12:10 arekm
+- rel 3; fix raid related typo
+Revision 2.44 2004/04/13 09:27:22 arekm
+- remove not used code; rel 2
+Revision 2.43 2004/04/03 16:01:13 arekm
+Updated to 3865:
+- enhanced LVM support (fix LVM1 tools detection,
+ check of proper binaries existence, root only rootfs VG)
+- support devfs like names for softraid detection
+- fix creation of subdirectiories in initrd image
+- load ide-generic if rootfs is on IDE and no other
+ IDE related modules found.
+- support for LVM on top of Software RAID case
+NOTE: This release is mainly for testing testing.
+Revision 2.42 2004/04/03 10:33:57 areq
+- Requires: pci-database >= 0.4
+Revision 2.41 2004/03/16 15:40:15 qboosh
+- cosmetics
+Revision 2.40 2004/03/08 14:56:02 wiget
+- updated to 3416
+Revision 2.39 2004/01/23 23:40:03 arekm
+- released 3219 (can use mdasseble on initrd - smaller than whole mdadm)
+Revision 2.38 2004/01/21 15:11:41 arekm
+- updated to trunk (r3196); uses mdadm-initrd for raid starting
+Revision 2.37 2003/12/28 23:07:35 arekm
+- this is noarch prog
+Revision 2.36 2003/12/25 18:58:55 arekm
+- updated to 3075 (tags/3077)
+Revision 2.35 2003/09/18 23:31:32 arekm
+- updated to 1354 (raid fixed)
+Revision 2.34 2003/09/18 22:28:59 arekm
+- updated to trunk version (1352)
+Revision 2.33 2003/09/02 18:40:41 mmazur
+- rel 3 for ac
+Revision 2.32 2003/08/24 12:26:49 areq
+- 2.57
+Revision 2.31 2003/08/23 20:27:15 areq
+- 2.56 - with busybox-initrd
+Revision 2.30 2003/08/11 20:44:54 ankry
+- cosmetics
+Revision 2.29 2003/08/11 15:10:09 areq
+- 2.40
+Revision 2.28 2003/08/10 21:10:39 areq
+- 2.38
+Revision 2.27 2003/08/09 21:43:39 areq
+- 2.34
+Revision 2.26 2003/08/07 20:13:45 arekm
+- released current cvs ad 2.30
+Revision 2.25 2003/05/25 11:00:51 malekith
+- massive attack, adding Source-md5
+Revision 2.24 2003/05/25 05:47:48 misi3k
+- massive attack s/pld.org.pl/pld-linux.org/
+Revision 2.23 2003/04/12 13:36:41 wiget
+- R: new bsp
+- release 2
+Revision 2.22 2003/04/09 12:07:13 wiget
+- updated to 2.26
+Revision 2.21 2002/12/19 12:01:54 orzech
+- geninitrd works fine on alphas too
+- rel. 2
+Revision 2.20 2002/10/14 14:53:49 wiget
+- 2.22 (bugfix release)
+Revision 2.19 2002/09/30 16:48:15 wiget
+- version 2.21
+- compressed modules support
+Revision 2.18 2002/09/06 15:07:00 wiget
+- 2.20
+Revision 2.17 2002/04/25 16:22:15 arturs
+- fixed a small typo
+Revision 2.16 2002/03/25 15:31:20 wiget
+- 2.19
+ fix soft raid starting (malekith)
+Revision 2.15 2002/03/13 15:29:38 wiget
+- version 2.18
+- UUID and LABEL support for ext3
+- error messages fixes
+Revision 2.14 2002/03/11 23:08:12 martii
+- added ppc ExlusiveArch
+Revision 2.13 2002/02/22 23:28:56 kloczek
+- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
+ Group field using gettext).
+Revision 2.12 2002/02/20 13:00:52 wiget
+- --fs is back, but warn if it used; exit if modules.dep is missing; version 2.16
+Revision 2.11 2002/02/19 15:15:58 wiget
+- version 2.13
+- trash support dropped (me)
+- root on loop device disabled (me)
+- new configuration option EXIT_IF_MISSING (me)
+- parse modules.dep and find dependend modules (malekith)
+Revision 2.10 2002/01/18 02:13:02 kloczek
+- perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\@pld.org.pl/feedback\@pld.org.pl/"
+Revision 2.9 2001/11/28 23:38:23 kloczek
+- release 2.
+Revision 2.8 2001/11/28 12:34:31 qboosh
+- typo, fixed Groups
+Revision 2.7 2001/09/07 15:21:55 wiget
+- 2.6, fix Mylex RAID handling
+Revision 2.6 2001/07/04 12:21:31 wiget
+- 2.4, some RAID (software and hardware) fixes, added support for UUID/LABEL on xfs
+Revision 2.5 2001/07/02 09:34:54 malekith
+- 2.3, don't use modutils.conf if doesn't exists
+- prev was 2.1 w/o UUID support
+Revision 2.4 2001/03/19 13:17:33 michuz
+- version 2.1
+- this version works fine with 2.4.x
+Revision 2.3 2001/03/02 12:13:09 kloczek
+- cosmetics.
+Revision 2.2 2001/03/02 10:06:34 inglod
+- add %build
+Revision 2.1 2001/02/23 14:23:23 malekith
+- Removed Req: e2fsutils (wasn't needed long time ago, we use
+ romfs), trash and insmod.static - they are replaced by bsp.
+ Rationale:
+ They can be needed when special option are turned on,
+ but in normal config they are not, and as this is base
+ pkg, user should not be forced to install them.
+Revision 2.0 2001/02/23 13:57:34 inglod
+- Fixed for new release. (2.0)
+Revision 1.7 2001/02/01 16:27:34 kloczek
+- Requires for rc-scripts changed to Prereq.
+Revision 1.6 2001/01/06 15:09:59 zagrodzki
+- release 2
+- requires: sh-utils
+Revision 1.5 2000/12/06 19:47:10 kloczek
+- New version 1.2:
+ - use trash instead statically linked ash.
+Revision 1.4 2000/12/05 13:42:04 zagrodzki
+- release 2
+- requires: mktemp >= 1.5-8
+Revision 1.3 2000/11/30 18:40:10 baggins
+- updated to 1.1
+Revision 1.2 2000/11/09 10:13:59 kloczek
+- added %config(noreplace) for /etc/sysconfig/geninitrd,
+- removed /bin/sh from Requires (autogenerated),
+- added Source url.
+Revision 1.1 2000/11/09 09:46:13 jajcus
+- initial spec (based on mkinitrd.spec)