# force_cc - force using __cc other than "%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-gcc"
# force_cxx - force using __cxx other than "%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-g++"
# force_cpp - force using __cpp other than "%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-gcc -E"
+#%%define force_cc "%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-gcc"
+#%%define force_cxx "%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-g++"
+#%%define force_cpp '%{_target_cpu}-tld-linux-gcc -E'
# versions of required libraries
%define reqdb_ver 4.5.20
Summary(uk.UTF-8): Менеджер пакетів від RPM
Name: rpm
Version: 4.5
-Release: 55
+Release: 57
License: LGPL
Group: Base
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5: 6b4cda21de59dc250d2e33e4187fd166
+# Source0-md5: 4e69ab971f682c87625dc0f65d9e16bc
Source1: %{name}.groups
Source2: %{name}.platform
Source3: %{name}-install-tree
%define specflags -fno-strict-aliasing
+%define _host_alias %{_target_cpu}-tld-linux%{nil}
+%define _host_vendor tld
+%define _vendor tld
RPM is a powerful package manager, which can be used to build,
install, query, verify, update, and uninstall individual software
%{__make} \
- CC="%{__cc}" \
- CXX="%{__cxx}" \
- CPP="%{__cpp}" \
+ CC="%{__newcc}" \
+ CXX="%{__newcxx}" \
+ CPP="%{__newcpp}" \
libdb_la=%{_libdir}/libdb.la \
pylibdir=%{py_libdir} \
myLDFLAGS="%{rpmldflags}" \