--- /dev/null
+diff -ur LVM2.2.02.132.orig/configure.in LVM2.2.02.132/configure.in
+--- LVM2.2.02.132.orig/configure.in 2015-10-08 12:26:23.000000000 +0000
++++ LVM2.2.02.132/configure.in 2015-10-08 12:42:41.249042000 +0000
+@@ -707,8 +707,7 @@
+ ################################################################################
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for default run directory)
+-test -d "/run" || RUN_DIR="/var/run"
+ dnl -- Set up pidfile and run directory
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Nowa wersja Logical Volume Managera dla Linuksa
Name: lvm2
Version: 2.02.132
-Release: 3
+Release: 4
License: GPL v2 and LGPL v2.1
Group: Applications/System
Source0: ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/lvm2/LVM2.%{version}.tgz
Patch6: %{name}-lvm_path.patch
Patch7: %{name}-clvmd_cmd_timeout.patch
Patch8: device-mapper-dmsetup-deps-export.patch
+Patch9: %{name}-run-dir.patch
URL: http://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/
BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61
BuildRequires: automake
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p1
# do not force --export-symbol linker option for e.g. statically linked executables
# -rdynamic compiler option drives linker in the right way.
# no service restart available
/sbin/chkconfig --add blk-availability
if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
%service lvm2-lvmetad stop
/sbin/chkconfig --del lvm2-lvmetad
# re-exec instead
/usr/sbin/clvmd -S 2>/dev/null || :
-%postun clvmd
+%preun clvmd
if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
%service clvmd stop
/sbin/chkconfig --del clvmd
%attr(754,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/lvm2-lvmpolld
%attr(754,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/lvm2-monitor
-%attr(700,root,root) %dir /run/lvm
%attr(700,root,root) %dir /var/lock/lvm
+%attr(700,root,root) %dir /var/run/lvm
%if %{with cluster}
%files clvmd