# - when adopting, use 4.5 ticket for checklist: https://bugs.launchpad.net/pld-linux/+bug/262985
# Conditional build:
-%bcond_without apidocs # Doxygen based API documentation
-%bcond_without python3 # Python (3) bindings
-%bcond_without plugins # plugins (all, including: audit, imaevm, selinux, systemd)
-%bcond_without recommends_tags # use of Recommends tag (disable for bootstrapping)
+%bcond_with apidocs # Doxygen based API documentation
+%bcond_with python3 # Python (3) bindings
+%bcond_with plugins # plugins (all, including: audit, imaevm, selinux, systemd)
+%bcond_with recommends_tags # use of Recommends tag (disable for bootstrapping)
%bcond_with imaevm # IMA/EVM signing support (requires libimaevm from ima-evm-utils)
-%bcond_without audit # audit plugin
-%bcond_without selinux # SELinux plugin
+%bcond_with audit # audit plugin
+%bcond_with selinux # SELinux plugin
%bcond_with systemd # systemd inhibit plugin
-%bcond_without fsverity # fsverity plugin
+%bcond_with fsverity # fsverity plugin
%define popt_ver 1.15
%define sover 9.3.0
Summary(uk.UTF-8): Менеджер пакетів від RPM
Name: rpm
-Release: 5
+Release: 1
Epoch: 1
License: GPL v2 / LGPL v2.1
Group: Base
BuildRequires: rpm-pythonprov
BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.750
-BuildRequires: rpm-build >= 4.6
+BuildRequires: rpm-build
BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel >= 3.22.0
BuildRequires: tcl
BuildRequires: xz-devel
Requires: libgcrypt
Requires: popt >= %{popt_ver}
Requires: rpm-tld-macros >= 2.002
-%if %{with recommends_tags}
-Recommends: rpm-plugin-audit
-Recommends: rpm-plugin-prioreset
-Recommends: rpm-plugin-syslog
-Recommends: rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit
Obsoletes: rpm-utils-perl < 1:4.15
Obsoletes: rpm-utils-static < 1:4.15
Conflicts: glibc < 2.2.92
Group: Applications/File
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires: popt >= %{popt_ver}
-%if %{with recommends_tags}
-Recommends: bzip2
-Recommends: gzip
Conflicts: filesystem-debuginfo < 3.0-16
%description utils