# TODO # - bootstrap fails if /usr/share/pear/.lock doesn't exist (just create it as 644) # - should understand as php extension (php-pear-Auth): # pear/Auth can optionally use package "pecl/vpopmail" (version >= 0.2) # pear/Auth can optionally use package "pecl/kadm5" (version >= 0.2.3) # %define _pearname PEAR %define _status stable %define php_min_version 7.2.0 Summary: PEAR Base System Summary(pl.UTF-8): Podstawowy system PEAR Name: php-pear-%{_pearname} Version: 1.10.15 Release: 1 Epoch: 1 License: New BSD License Group: Development/Languages/PHP Source0: https://pear.php.net/get/%{_pearname}-%{version}.tgz # Source0-md5: 07c72ec39bfca48509c90fda5f8bf4ce Source1: https://pear.php.net/get/Console_Getopt-1.4.3.tgz # Source1-md5: 78620b71acdf113968c3482845bcbbc2 Source2: https://pear.php.net/get/Structures_Graph-1.1.1.tgz # Source2-md5: f1be7827074c4f51eb1af245f0f7c5c4 Source3: https://pear.php.net/get/Archive_Tar-1.5.0.tgz # Source3-md5: 79bf67d6462beacec5a85f7ae0fa7ae5 Patch0: %{name}-sysconfdir.patch Patch1: ext-check.patch Patch2: %{name}-FHS.patch URL: https://pear.php.net/package/PEAR BuildRequires: php(pcre) BuildRequires: php(xml) BuildRequires: /usr/bin/php BuildRequires: rpm-php-pearprov >= 4.4.2-30.1 BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.747 Requires: %{name}-core = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Requires: /usr/bin/php Requires: php(core) >= %{php_min_version} Requires: php(pcre) Requires: php(xml) Requires: php(zlib) Requires: php-pear >= 4:1.2-1 Requires: php-pear-Archive_Tar >= 1.4.0 Requires: php-pear-Console_Getopt >= 1.4.1 Requires: php-pear-Structures_Graph >= 1.1.0 Requires: php-pear-XML_Util >= 1.3.0 Requires: rpm-whiteout Suggests: php-pear-Net_FTP Obsoletes: php-pear-PEAR-Command Obsoletes: php-pear-PEAR-Frontend_CLI Obsoletes: php-pear-PEAR-OS Conflicts: php-pear-PEAR_Frontend_Gtk < 0.4.0 Conflicts: php-pear-PEAR_Frontend_Web < 0.5.0 Conflicts: rpm-whiteout < 1.1 Conflicts: rpmbuild(macros) < 1.563 BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) # PEAR_Command_Packaging is separate package # PEAR_FTP is optional %define _noautoreq_pear PEAR/FTP.php Net/FTP.php XML/RPC.* PEAR/Command/Packaging.php %description The PEAR package contains: - the PEAR installer, for creating, distributing and installing packages - the alpha-quality PEAR_Exception PHP5 error handling mechanism - the beta-quality PEAR_ErrorStack advanced error handling mechanism - the PEAR_Error error handling mechanism - the OS_Guess class for retrieving info about the OS where PHP is running on - the System class for quick handling of common operations with files and directories - the PEAR base class packages In PEAR status of this package is: %{_status}. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Pakiet PEAR zawiara: - PEAR installer do tworzenia, dystrybucji i instalowania pakietów, - mechanizm PEAR_Exception (w fazie alpha) do obsługi błędów PHP5, - zaawansowany mechanizm PEAR_ErrorStack (w fazie beta) do obsługi błędów, - mechanizm obsługi błędów PEAR_Error, - klasę OS_Guess do pozyskiwania informacji na temat systemu operacyjnego, - klasę System do szybkiej obsługi typowych operacji na plikach i katalogach, - podstawową klasy PEAR. Ta klasa ma w PEAR status: %{_status}. %package core Summary: PEAR core classes Summary(pl.UTF-8): Główne klasy PEAR-a Group: Development/Languages/PHP Requires: php(core) >= %{php_min_version} %description core This package includes PEAR core classes: - PEAR class and PEAR_Error and classes for PHP 5: - PEAR_ErrorStack and PEAR_Exception %description core -l pl.UTF-8 Ten pakiet zawiera główne klasy PEAR-a: - klasę PEAR i PEAR_Error - System - OS_Gueass oraz klasy dla PHP 5: - PEAR_ErrorStack i PEAR_Exception %prep %define __build_dir %{_builddir}/%{_pearname}-%{version}%{?_rc} %define __php_include_path %{__build_dir}/%{_pearname}-%{version}%{?_rc}:%{__build_dir}/%(basename %{SOURCE1} .tgz):%{__build_dir}/%(basename %{SOURCE2} .tgz):%{__build_dir}/%(basename %{SOURCE3} .tgz) %define __pear php -dmemory_limit=-1 -doutput_buffering=1 -dinclude_path="%__php_include_path" %{__build_dir}/%{_pearname}-%{version}%{?_rc}/scripts/pearcmd.php %setup -q -c -n %{_pearname}-%{version} -a1 -a2 -a3 %pear_package_setup -z -D -n %{_pearname}-%{version}%{?_rc} %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %{?with_FHS:%patch2 -p1} find '(' -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' ')' | xargs -r rm -v %build D=$(pwd) pearcmd() { %{__pear} -c ${D}/pearrc "$@" } pearcmd config-set doc_dir %{_docdir} pearcmd config-set data_dir %{php_pear_dir}/data pearcmd config-set php_dir %{php_pear_dir} pearcmd config-set test_dir %{php_pear_dir}/tests pearcmd config-set sig_bin %{_bindir}/gpg pearcmd config-set cfg_dir %{_sysconfdir}/pear %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_sysconfdir}/pear,%{php_pear_dir},%{_bindir}} %pear_package_install cp -a pearrc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pear.conf # -C and -q options were for php-cgi, in php-cli they're enabled by default. %define php_exec exec /usr/bin/php -dinclude_path=%{php_pear_dir} -doutput_buffering=1 cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pear <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh %php_exec -dopen_basedir="" -dmemory_limit=128M %{php_pear_dir}/pearcmd.php "$@" EOF cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/peardev <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh %php_exec -dopen_basedir="" -dmemory_limit=-1 %{php_pear_dir}/pearcmd.php "$@" EOF # This -dextension=pcre.so works with php-5.1, and patched php-cli >= 4:5.0.5-18.1, php4-cli >= 3:4.4.1-6.1 # -n is there because devs on #pear said this avoids locking problems when replacing in use libraries. cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pecl <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh %php_exec -dmemory_limit=64M -dsafe_mode=0 -n -dextension=xml.so %{php_pear_dir}/peclcmd.php "$@" EOF # for rpm to find interpreter chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/* %post if [ -f %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/optional-packages.txt ]; then cat %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/optional-packages.txt fi # need to bootstrap for non-root user if [ ! -f %{php_pear_dir}/.lock ]; then umask 2 %{_bindir}/pear list > /dev/null fi %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc install.log optional-packages.txt %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/pear.conf %dir %{_sysconfdir}/pear %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/pear %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/peardev %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/pecl %{php_pear_dir}/.registry/pear.reg %{php_pear_dir}/pearcmd.php %{php_pear_dir}/peclcmd.php %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR/* %{php_pear_dir}/OS %{php_pear_dir}/System.php # in -core subpackage %exclude %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR/ErrorStack.php %exclude %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR/Exception.php %{php_pear_dir}/data/* %files core %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR.php %dir %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR/ErrorStack.php %{php_pear_dir}/PEAR/Exception.php