# Set the mode proftpd runs in ServerType standalone # Set the message displayed on connect ServerIdent on "FTP server ready" # Sets the maximum number of child processes to be spawned MaxInstances 30 # Make this configuration default one DefaultServer on # Bind to specified IP addresses SocketBindTight off # Set the port proftpd will listen on Port 21 # Apply global configuration directives # Set the user the daemon will run as User ftp # Set the group the server normally runs as Group nobody # Set the default umask Umask 022 # Don't show welcome message until user has authenticated DeferWelcome off # Allow connections based on /etc/shells RequireValidShell on # Allow clients to resume downloads AllowRetrieveRestart on # Allow clients to resume uploads AllowStoreRestart on # Enable files to be overwritten AllowOverwrite on # Sets how many password attempts are allowed before disconnection MaxLoginAttempts 3 # Specify alternate passwd/group files to be used #AuthUserFile /etc/ftpd/passwd #AuthGroupFile /etc/ftpd/group # Set the default method of data transfer DefaultTransferMode binary # Specify the ftp-data port range to be used PassivePorts 57000 60000 # Sets the idle connection timeout TimeoutIdle 300 # Sets the login timeout TimeoutLogin 120 # Sets the timeout on stalled data transfers TimeoutStalled 300 # Sets the connection without transfer timeout TimeoutNoTransfer 300 # Configure options used when listing directories ListOptions "-a" # Lock users in their home directory DefaultRoot ~ # Specify proftpd logfile ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/ftp.log # Specify transfer log TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xfer.log # Load additional config files (modules etc.) Include /etc/ftpd/conf.d/*.conf