# SELinux specific macro definitions. # Desired selinux policy tree %__policy_tree %{expand:%%global __policy_tree %{lua:\ t="targeted"\ f = io.open("/etc/selinux/config")\ if f then\ for l in f:lines() do\ if "SELINUXTYPE=" == string.sub(l,0,12) then t=string.sub(l,13); end\ end\ f:close()\ end\ print (t)\ }}%{__policy_tree} # Path to selinux file context patterns. %__file_context_path /etc/selinux/%{__policy_tree}/contexts/files/file_contexts # # Path to selinux file context patterns used to add # RPMTAG_FILECONTEXTS to packages when building. # # Undefined, missing or %{nil} will disable. %_build_file_context_path %{nil} # # Path to selinux file context patterns used to set # (or override package content) file contexts when installing. # # Undefined, missing or %{nil} will use package content (if available). %_install_file_context_path %{__file_context_path} # # Path to selinux file context patterns used to verify # file contexts on file system. # # Undefined, missing or %{nil} will use package content (if available). %_verify_file_context_path %{__file_context_path}