# vi: encoding=utf-8 ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et import glob import re import string import os import time import shutil import sys import traceback import urllib2 from config import config, init_conf import mailer import path import log import loop import status import lock retries_times = [5 * 60, 5 * 60, 10 * 60, 10 * 60, 30 * 60, 60 * 60] def read_name_val(file): f = open(file) r = {'_file': file[:-5], '_desc': file} rx = re.compile(r"^([^:]+)\s*:(.*)$") for l in f: if l == "END\n": f.close() return r m = rx.search(l) if m: r[m.group(1)] = string.strip(m.group(2)) else: break f.close() return None def scp_file(src, target): global problems f = os.popen("scp -P 7272 -v -B %s %s 2>&1 < /dev/null" % (src, target)) p = f.read() ret = f.close() if ret: problems[src] = p return ret def copy_file(src, target): try: shutil.copyfile(src, target) return 0 except: global problems exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] problems[src] = "cannot copy file: %s" % traceback.format_exception_only(exctype, value) return 1 def rsync_file(src, target, host): global problems p = open(path.rsync_password_file, "r") password = "" for l in p: l = string.split(l) if len(l) >= 2 and l[0] == host: password = l[1] p.close() # NOTE: directing STDIN to /dev/null, does not make rsync to skip asking # password, it opens /dev/tty and still asks if password is needed and # missing, therefore we always set RSYNC_PASSWORD env var os.environ["RSYNC_PASSWORD"] = password rsync = "rsync --verbose --archive --timeout=360 --contimeout=360" f = os.popen("%s %s %s 2>&1" % (rsync, src, target)) p = f.read() ret = f.close() if ret: problems[src] = p del os.environ["RSYNC_PASSWORD"]; return ret def rsync_ssh_file(src, target): global problems rsync = "rsync --verbose --archive --timeout=360 -e ssh" f = os.popen("%s %s %s 2>&1 < /dev/null" % (rsync, src, target)) p = f.read() ret = f.close() if ret: problems[src] = p return ret def post_file(src, url): global problems try: f = open(src, 'r') data = f.read() f.close() req = urllib2.Request(url, data) req.add_header('X-Filename', os.path.basename(src)) f = urllib2.urlopen(req) f.close() except Exception as e: problems[src] = e return e return 0 def send_file(src, target): global problems try: log.notice("sending %s to %s (size %d bytes)" % (src, target, os.stat(src).st_size)) m = re.match('rsync://([^/]+)/.*', target) if m: return not rsync_file(src, target, host = m.group(1)) if target != "" and target[0] == '/': return not copy_file(src, target) m = re.match('scp://([^@:]+@[^/:]+)(:|)(.*)', target) if m: return not scp_file(src, m.group(1) + ":" + m.group(3)) m = re.match('ssh\+rsync://([^@:]+@[^/:]+)(:|)(.*)', target) if m: return not rsync_ssh_file(src, m.group(1) + ":" + m.group(3)) m = re.match('(http|https)://.*', target) if m: return not post_file(src, target) log.alert("unsupported protocol: %s" % target) except OSError as e: problems[src] = e log.error("send_file(%s, %s): %s" % (src, target, e)) return False return True def maybe_flush_queue(dir): retry_delay = 0 try: f = open(dir + "/retry-at") last_retry = int(string.strip(f.readline())) retry_delay = int(string.strip(f.readline())) f.close() if last_retry + retry_delay > time.time(): return os.unlink(dir + "/retry-at") except: pass status.push("flushing %s" % dir) if flush_queue(dir): f = open(dir + "/retry-at", "w") if retry_delay in retries_times: idx = retries_times.index(retry_delay) if idx < len(retries_times) - 1: idx += 1 else: idx = 0 f.write("%d\n%d\n" % (time.time(), retries_times[idx])) f.close() status.pop() def flush_queue(dir): q = [] os.chdir(dir) for f in glob.glob(dir + "/*.desc"): d = read_name_val(f) if d != None: q.append(d) def mycmp(x, y): rc = cmp(x['Time'], y['Time']) if rc == 0 and x.has_key('Type') and y.has_key('Type'): return cmp(x['Type'], y['Type']) else: return rc q.sort(mycmp) error = None # copy of q remaining = q[:] for d in q: if not send_file(d['_file'], d['Target']): error = d continue if os.access(d['_file'] + ".info", os.F_OK): if not send_file(d['_file'] + ".info", d['Target'] + ".info"): error = d continue os.unlink(d['_file'] + ".info") os.unlink(d['_file']) os.unlink(d['_desc']) remaining.remove(d) if error != None: emails = {} emails[config.admin_email] = 1 pr = "" for src, msg in problems.items(): pr = pr + "[src: %s]\n\n%s\n" % (src, msg) for d in remaining: if d.has_key('Requester'): emails[d['Requester']] = 1 e = emails.keys() m = mailer.Message() m.set_headers(to = string.join(e, ", "), subject = "[%s] builder queue problem" % config.builder) m.write("there were problems sending files from queue %s:\n" % dir) m.write("problems:\n") m.write("%s\n" % pr) m.send() log.error("error sending files from %s:\n%s\n" % (dir, pr)) return 1 return 0 problems = {} def main(): if lock.lock("sending-files", non_block = 1) == None: return init_conf() maybe_flush_queue(path.notify_queue_dir) maybe_flush_queue(path.buildlogs_queue_dir) maybe_flush_queue(path.ftp_queue_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': loop.run_loop(main)