# vi: encoding=utf-8 ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et from xml.dom.minidom import * from datetime import datetime import string import time import xml.sax.saxutils import fnmatch import os import urllib import cgi import pytz import tempfile import util import log from acl import acl from config import config from subprocess import call __all__ = ['parse_request', 'parse_requests'] def text(e): res = "" for n in e.childNodes: if n.nodeType != Element.TEXT_NODE: log.panic("xml: text expected in <%s>, got %d" % (e.nodeName, n.nodeType)) res += n.nodeValue return res def attr(e, a, default = None): try: return e.attributes[a].value except: if default != None: return default raise def escape(s): return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(s) # return date in iso8601 format def iso8601(ts, timezone='UTC'): tz = pytz.timezone(timezone) dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz) return dt.isoformat() def is_blank(e): return e.nodeType == Element.TEXT_NODE and string.strip(e.nodeValue) == "" class Group: def __init__(self, e): self.batches = [] self.kind = 'group' self.id = attr(e, "id") self.no = int(attr(e, "no")) self.priority = 2 self.time = time.time() self.requester = "" self.max_jobs = 0 self.requester_email = "" self.flags = string.split(attr(e, "flags", "")) for c in e.childNodes: if is_blank(c): continue if c.nodeType != Element.ELEMENT_NODE: log.panic("xml: evil group child %d" % c.nodeType) if c.nodeName == "batch": self.batches.append(Batch(c)) elif c.nodeName == "requester": self.requester = text(c) self.requester_email = attr(c, "email", "") elif c.nodeName == "priority": self.priority = int(text(c)) elif c.nodeName == "time": self.time = int(text(c)) elif c.nodeName == "maxjobs": self.max_jobs = int(text(c)) else: log.panic("xml: evil group child (%s)" % c.nodeName) # note that we also check that group is sorted WRT deps m = {} for b in self.batches: deps = [] m[b.b_id] = b for dep in b.depends_on: if m.has_key(dep): # avoid self-deps if id(m[dep]) != id(b): deps.append(m[dep]) else: log.panic("xml: dependency not found in group") b.depends_on = deps if self.requester_email == "" and self.requester != "": self.requester_email = acl.user(self.requester).mail_to() def dump(self, f): f.write("group: %d (id=%s pri=%d)\n" % (self.no, self.id, self.priority)) f.write(" from: %s\n" % self.requester) f.write(" flags: %s\n" % string.join(self.flags)) f.write(" time: %s\n" % time.asctime(time.localtime(self.time))) for b in self.batches: b.dump(f) f.write("\n") def dump_html(self, f): f.write( "
\n" "%(no)d. " " " "from %(requester)s " "%(id)s, prio=%(priority)d, jobs=%(max_jobs)d, %(flags)s\n" % { 'no': self.no, 'id': '%(id)s' % {'id': self.id}, 'time': escape(time.strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.localtime(self.time))), 'datetime': escape(iso8601(self.time)), 'requester': escape(self.requester), 'priority': self.priority, 'max_jobs': self.max_jobs, 'flags': string.join(self.flags) }) f.write("
    \n") for b in self.batches: b.dump_html(f, self.id) f.write("
\n") f.write("
\n") def write_to(self, f): f.write(""" %s %d %d\n""" % (self.id, self.no, string.join(self.flags), escape(self.requester_email), escape(self.requester), self.time, self.priority, self.max_jobs)) for b in self.batches: b.write_to(f) f.write(" \n\n") def is_done(self): ok = 1 for b in self.batches: if not b.is_done(): ok = 0 return ok class Batch: def __init__(self, e): self.bconds_with = [] self.bconds_without = [] self.builders = [] self.builders_status = {} self.builders_status_time = {} self.builders_status_buildtime = {} self.kernel = "" self.defines = {} self.target = [] self.branch = "" self.src_rpm = "" self.info = "" self.spec = "" self.command = "" self.command_flags = [] self.skip = [] self.gb_id = "" self.b_id = attr(e, "id") self.depends_on = string.split(attr(e, "depends-on")) self.upgraded = True self.parse_xml(e) self.__topdir = None def get_topdir(self): if not self.__topdir: self.__topdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='B.', dir='/tmp') return self.__topdir def parse_xml(self, e): for c in e.childNodes: if is_blank(c): continue if c.nodeType != Element.ELEMENT_NODE: log.panic("xml: evil batch child %d" % c.nodeType) if c.nodeName == "src-rpm": self.src_rpm = text(c) elif c.nodeName == "spec": # normalize specname, specname is used as buildlog and we don't # want to be exposed to directory traversal attacks self.spec = text(c).split('/')[-1] elif c.nodeName == "command": self.spec = "COMMAND" self.command = text(c).strip() self.command_flags = string.split(attr(c, "flags", "")) elif c.nodeName == "info": self.info = text(c) elif c.nodeName == "kernel": self.kernel = text(c) elif c.nodeName == "define": define = attr(c, "name") self.defines[define] = text(c) elif c.nodeName == "target": self.target.append(text(c)) elif c.nodeName == "skip": self.skip.append(text(c)) elif c.nodeName == "branch": self.branch = text(c) elif c.nodeName == "builder": key = text(c) self.builders.append(key) self.builders_status[key] = attr(c, "status", "?") self.builders_status_time[key] = attr(c, "time", "0") self.builders_status_buildtime[key] = "0" #attr(c, "buildtime", "0") elif c.nodeName == "with": self.bconds_with.append(text(c)) elif c.nodeName == "without": self.bconds_without.append(text(c)) else: log.panic("xml: evil batch child (%s)" % c.nodeName) def get_package_name(self): if len(self.spec) <= 5: return None return self.spec[:-5] def tmpdir(self): """ return tmpdir for this batch job building """ # it's better to have TMPDIR and BUILD dir on same partition: # + /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /home/services/builder/rpm/packages/kernel/patch- # patch: **** Can't rename file /tmp/B.a1b1d3/poKWwRlp to drivers/scsi/hosts.c : No such file or directory path = os.path.join(self.get_topdir(), 'BUILD', 'tmp') return path def is_done(self): ok = 1 for b in self.builders: s = self.builders_status[b] if not s.startswith("OK") and not s.startswith("SKIP") and not s.startswith("UNSUPP") and not s.startswith("FAIL"): ok = 0 return ok def dump(self, f): f.write(" batch: %s/%s\n" % (self.src_rpm, self.spec)) f.write(" info: %s\n" % self.info) f.write(" kernel: %s\n" % self.kernel) f.write(" defines: %s\n" % self.defines_string()) f.write(" target: %s\n" % self.target_string()) f.write(" branch: %s\n" % self.branch) f.write(" bconds: %s\n" % self.bconds_string()) builders = [] for b in self.builders: builders.append("%s:%s" % (b, self.builders_status[b])) f.write(" builders: %s\n" % string.join(builders)) def is_command(self): return self.command != "" def dump_html(self, f, rid): f.write("
  • \n") if self.is_command(): desc = "SH:
    flags: [%s]" % (self.command, ' '.join(self.command_flags)) else: cmd = "/usr/bin/git ls-remote --heads git://git.tld-linux.org/packages/%s 1>/dev/null 2>&1" % (self.spec[:-5]) r = call(cmd, shell=True) if r == 0: dist = "tld" else: dist = "pld" package_url = "http://git.%(dist)s-linux.org/?p=packages/%(package)s.git;a=blob;f=%(spec)s;hb=%(branch)s" % { 'dist': dist, 'spec': urllib.quote(self.spec), 'branch': urllib.quote(self.branch), 'package': urllib.quote(self.spec[:-5]), } desc = "%(src_rpm)s (%(spec)s -r %(branch)s%(rpmopts)s)" % { 'src_rpm': self.src_rpm, 'spec': self.spec, 'branch': self.branch, 'rpmopts': self.bconds_string() + self.kernel_string() + self.target_string() + self.defines_string(), 'package_url': package_url, } f.write("%s [" % desc) builders = [] for b in self.builders: s = self.builders_status[b] if s.startswith("OK"): c = "green" elif s.startswith("FAIL"): c = "red" elif s.startswith("SKIP"): c = "blue" elif s.startswith("UNSUPP"): c = "fuchsia" else: c = "black" link_pre = "" link_post = "" if (s.startswith("OK") or s.startswith("SKIP") or s.startswith("UNSUPP") or s.startswith("FAIL")) and len(self.spec) > 5: if self.is_command(): bl_name = "command" else: bl_name = self.spec[:len(self.spec)-5] lin_ar = b.replace('noauto-','') path = "/%s/%s/%s,%s.bz2" % (lin_ar.replace('-','/'), s, bl_name, rid) is_ok = 0 if s.startswith("OK"): is_ok = 1 bld = lin_ar.split('-') tree_name = '-'.join(bld[:-1]) tree_arch = '-'.join(bld[-1:]) link_pre = "" \ % (urllib.quote(tree_name), urllib.quote(tree_arch), urllib.quote(bl_name), urllib.quote(rid)) link_post = "" def ftime(s): t = float(s) if t > 0: return time.asctime(time.localtime(t)) else: return 'N/A' tooltip = "last update: %(time)s\nbuild time: %(buildtime)s" % { 'time' : ftime(self.builders_status_time[b]), 'buildtime' : ftime(self.builders_status_buildtime[b]), } builders.append(link_pre + "%(builder)s:%(status)s" % { 'color' : c, 'builder' : b, 'status' : s, 'tooltip' : cgi.escape(tooltip, True), } + link_post) f.write("%s]
  • \n" % string.join(builders)) def rpmbuild_opts(self): """ return all rpmbuild options related to this build """ rpmopts = self.bconds_string() + self.kernel_string() + self.target_string() + self.defines_string() rpmdefs = \ "--define '_topdir %s' " % self.get_topdir() + \ "--define '_specdir %{_topdir}' " \ "--define '_sourcedir %{_specdir}' " \ "--define '_rpmdir %{_topdir}/RPMS' " \ "--define '_builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD' " return rpmdefs + rpmopts def php_ignores(self): # transform php package name (52) to version (5.2) def php_name_to_ver(v): return '.'.join(list(v)) # transform php version (5.2) to package name (52) def php_ver_to_name(v): return v.replace('.', '') # available php versions in distro php_versions = ['4', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '7.0'] # current version if -D php_suffix is present php_version = php_name_to_ver(self.defines['php_suffix']) # remove current php version try: php_versions.remove(php_version) except ValueError: log.notice("Attempt to remove inexistent key '%s' from %s" % (php_version, php_versions)) pass # map them to poldek ignores # always ignore hhvm res = ['hhvm-*'] for v in map(php_ver_to_name, php_versions): res.append("php%s-*" % v) return res # build ignore package list # currently only php ignore is filled based on build context def ignores(self): ignores = [] # add php version based ignores if self.defines.has_key('php_suffix'): ignores.extend(self.php_ignores()) # return empty string if the list is empty if len(ignores) == 0: return "" def add_ignore(s): return "--ignore=%s" % s return " ".join(map(add_ignore, ignores)) def kernel_string(self): r = "" if self.kernel != "": r = " --define 'alt_kernel " + self.kernel + "'" return r def target_string(self): if len(self.target) > 0: return " --target " + ",".join(self.target) else: return "" def bconds_string(self): r = "" for b in self.bconds_with: r = r + " --with " + b for b in self.bconds_without: r = r + " --without " + b return r def defines_string(self): r = "" for key,value in self.defines.items(): r += " --define '%s %s'" % (key, value) return r def defines_xml(self): r = "" for key,value in self.defines.items(): r += "%s\n" % (escape(key), escape(value)) return r def default_target(self, arch): self.target.append("%s-tld-linux" % arch) def write_to(self, f): f.write(""" %s %s %s %s %s\n""" % (self.b_id, string.join(map(lambda (b): b.b_id, self.depends_on)), escape(self.src_rpm), escape(' '.join(self.command_flags)), escape(self.command), escape(self.spec), escape(self.branch), escape(self.info))) if self.kernel != "": f.write(" %s\n" % escape(self.kernel)) for b in self.bconds_with: f.write(" %s\n" % escape(b)) for b in self.target: f.write(" %s\n" % escape(b)) for b in self.bconds_without: f.write(" %s\n" % escape(b)) if self.defines: f.write(" %s\n" % self.defines_xml()) for b in self.builders: if self.builders_status_buildtime.has_key(b): t = self.builders_status_buildtime[b] else: t = "0" f.write(" %s\n" % \ (escape(self.builders_status[b]), self.builders_status_time[b], t, escape(b))) f.write(" \n") def log_line(self, l): log.notice(l) if self.logfile != None: util.append_to(self.logfile, l) def expand_builders(batch, all_builders): all = [] for bld in batch.builders: res = [] for my_bld in all_builders: if fnmatch.fnmatch(my_bld, bld): res.append(my_bld) if res != []: all.extend(res) else: all.append(bld) batch.builders = all class Notification: def __init__(self, e): self.batches = [] self.kind = 'notification' self.group_id = attr(e, "group-id") self.builder = attr(e, "builder") self.batches = {} self.batches_buildtime = {} for c in e.childNodes: if is_blank(c): continue if c.nodeType != Element.ELEMENT_NODE: log.panic("xml: evil notification child %d" % c.nodeType) if c.nodeName == "batch": id = attr(c, "id") status = attr(c, "status") buildtime = attr(c, "buildtime", "0") if not status.startswith("OK") and not status.startswith("SKIP") and not status.startswith("UNSUPP") and not status.startswith("FAIL"): log.panic("xml notification: bad status: %s" % status) self.batches[id] = status self.batches_buildtime[id] = buildtime else: log.panic("xml: evil notification child (%s)" % c.nodeName) def apply_to(self, q): for r in q.requests: if r.kind == "group": for b in r.batches: if self.batches.has_key(b.b_id): b.builders_status[self.builder] = self.batches[b.b_id] b.builders_status_time[self.builder] = time.time() b.builders_status_buildtime[self.builder] = "0" #self.batches_buildtime[b.b_id] def build_request(e): if e.nodeType != Element.ELEMENT_NODE: log.panic("xml: evil request element") if e.nodeName == "group": return Group(e) elif e.nodeName == "notification": return Notification(e) elif e.nodeName == "command": # FIXME return Command(e) else: log.panic("xml: evil request [%s]" % e.nodeName) def parse_request(f): d = parseString(f) return build_request(d.documentElement) def parse_requests(f): d = parseString(f) res = [] for r in d.documentElement.childNodes: if is_blank(r): continue res.append(build_request(r)) return res