Roadmap: Makefile -- nothing interesting. TLD_Builder/ -- all python stuff live here. admin/ -- scripts for chroot admin. architektura.txt -- docs, in Polish. client/ -- scripts for clients, i.e. developers sending requests config/ -- configuration -- testing script, don't touch bin/ -- scripts for builder account outside chroot Script to be run from procmail on src builder. It process incoming request, authorizes it and stores in spool/queue. Script to be run from cron on src builder. It looks for new requests in spool/queue, gets them from there, builds SRPM, and stores request for binary builders in spool/req_queue (which is mirrored in www/ directory, signed and compressed). SRPMS and buildlogs are queued for transmission. Run on binary builder. Fetch queue.gz from src-builder, and distribute requests for all builders hosted on given account (to spool/queue- files). Run on binary builder. Tries to aquire locks for and for job-slot. If that suceeds, proccess one request from spool/queue-. Run on binary builder. Checks spool/got_lock. Then run in order determined from this file (if b1 had lock last time before b2, first run b1 and then b2), so builders get the same number of requests. Run on both binary and src builder. Sends files queued in spool/{ftp,buildlogs}. Working directories: lock/ spool/ log/